Monday bears all of the brunt from the scorns of the wired-up-on-over-priced-corporate-coffee people and the resentment of those that work below them in the pyramid that is modern life. Monday has to play villain in a Saga in which all it does is arrive first in a line of almost exact days.
Well no more! I apologize Sir Monday and I thank you for existing for one thing that no one ever remembers when they’re at their cubicle trying not to cry is that you, kind sir, are the only weekday that sometimes says “fuck it” and acts like a weekend day to make the pleasure of the great mini vacation that is the weekend last even if just for one more day. Does Wednesday, with its silly spelled name, do that? No! Does Tuesday ever want to give you a break outside of when it falls on Fourth of July? Don’t think so. It is Monday in its chameleon-like skills of acting like an extra weekend day that puts a smile on your face when you happen to glance over it on the calendar. Today, I Thank God for Monday
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