Where is God?
A rich man gets into his private plane to fly...
While a Haitian mother feeds her babies mud pies...
A toddler gets raped by a trusted adult...
A prisoner is executed and was never at fault...
A child is born at a brothel with AIDS...
A teacher gets fired, the rest underpaid...
A man kills his girlfriend, through the neck with a knife...
A man is poisoned with dinner in his house by his wife...
A child is pregnant and has nothing to give...
A fetus isn't given an opportunity to live...
A woman pays her rent for her home in her bed...
A teenager at a party gets shot in the head...
A one armed African is forced to pick rocks from a pit...
A government gets rich while the people eat shit...
A Hispanic looks north and yearns the American Dream...
From the north they look south as they arrogantly deem...
A man is imprisoned for migrating the Earth...
A child is addicted to heroin at birth...
A country spends billions occupying other nations...
But complain about spending on healthcare reformations.
While our country sends men into space and the moon...
A family in the ghetto doesn't eat well at noon...
I wonder if all of this is part of His plan...
The rich man's private plane safely lands.